What can be brought across the border?

There are certain rules and restrictions on the import/export of certain categories of goods, including food, medicines, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco products across the border of Ukraine. Their volume, as well as transportation conditions, are regulated by current legislation and intergovernmental agreements with neighboring countries.

What can be carried across the border: food, pharmacology, money

When crossing the border of Ukraine, individuals are allowed to transport certain categories of goods in limited quantities without declaration, including:

Food for personal consumption

The carriage of small quantities of products is allowed (with the exception of certain perishable categories). However, fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products may require additional information.

Alcohol and cigarettes

Limits apply — 1 liter of spirits, 2 liters of wine, as well as a certain number of cigarettes per person, the excess of which entails declaration.


Carriage is allowed in quantities necessary for personal treatment. Prescriptions are required for psychotropic and potent drugs. Moving for the purpose of sale requires documentation.

Cash and financial instruments

For amounts up to 10,000 euros, import/export in cash is allowed without declaration. Large amounts — only with written instructions. There are no restrictions on bank cards or checks.

This is general information that will help you get your bearings if you are going to travel abroad to Ukraine. However, each state has rules that may differ slightly.

What cannot be transported across the border with Poland

According to the information provided, there are a number of restrictions on the movement of certain categories of goods when crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border.

In particular, any types of weapons and ammunition are completely prohibited for transportation without the appropriate permits. The same applies to narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent drugs.

There are strict restrictions on cross-border transport: 

  • living animals and plants;
  • their seeds; 
  • products of plant origin. 

This is due to the need to control the spread of infections, pests and diseases.

Similar regulations apply to products of animal origin – meat, dairy products. The sanitary and epidemiological factor is also important here. 

A separate permit is required for the transportation of objects of historical, cultural and artistic heritage across the border.


In addition, the import of counterfeit, falsified and unlicensed products is prohibited. And remember that crossing the Polish border requires special attention, as a thorough multi-stage inspection is carried out here.

Your luggage will be checked using an X-ray machine. In addition, specially trained dogs work at the border, which can detect the presence of prohibited substances and items by smell.

Customs officers have the right to inspect the contents of your suitcases and seize anything that, in their opinion, is unacceptable for import into the country.

Be especially careful about the quantity of goods being moved. If you carry more than permitted, you may be fined. Fines start from 50 euros.

Is it possible to transport twists across the border with Hungary

Moving home-made canned products (spins) across the border of Ukraine and Hungary for personal consumption is allowed, but taking into account some nuances. Since Hungary is a member of the European Union, the import of food products is subject to the general sanitary and epidemiological standards of the EU. They regulate acceptable production and transportation conditions to prevent the spread of infections and pests.

In particular, homemade twists must be carefully processed and hermetically packaged. And it must be intended for the personal consumption of the traveler, and not for sale. As a rule, this allows them to be transported without declaration, but in limited quantities.

However, strict restrictions may be imposed on the import of certain products that pose a potential risk or where a violation of the above EU regulations is suspected.

Is it possible to transport chocolates across the border of Moldova

Planning to send chocolates from Ukraine to Moldova? It is quite feasible if you follow certain rules. Take advantage of our services on cargo delivery to Moldova for your convenience.

The main thing — candies must be intended solely for personal use and not for sale. Their number also matters. It must meet reasonable personal needs so that there is no suspicion of commercial purposes. Be sure to take some sweets:

in original factory packaging;

  • unopened;
  • with clear expiration dates;
  • with the composition on the label. 

This will help avoid problems at customs.

In general, Moldova allows the import of goods for personal use duty-free up to 300 euros, including tobacco products, alcohol, etc. This amount is valid for persons over 18 years of age.

How much alcohol can you transport across the border with Romania

Despite possible myths about the complete restriction of the transport of alcohol, alcohol can still be transported for personal purposes. But Romania has certain restrictions that are important to know in order to avoid problems.

Beer. It can be carried up to 5 liters per person without paying duties or any taxes. This is approximately 10 bottles of 0.5 liters each. 

Strong alcohol with an alcohol content of more than 22%. A maximum of 1 liter of such drinks per person is allowed. This could be, for example,

  • vodka,
  • cognac,
  • whisky.

Low-alcohol drinks with a strength of up to 22% alcohol. Their limit — 2 liters per person. These include wine, sparkling wine, liqueurs, ciders.

Be sure to keep in mind that we are talking about the total amount per adult passenger. Exceeding the norms entails penalties. It is better to check the current rules in advance, especially if you are crossing the border for the first time. Have a nice trip!

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