How to organize an apartment move to another city

Each person in life may need to change his place of residence. This is due to family circumstances, enrollment in a university, a new job or the acquisition of real estate. Sometimes life changes so much that there are no other options but to move to another city.

If it is necessary to go from parents to study, then the move will not cause special problems. For people who have their own housing and other real estate, it will be quite a complicated issue. Before proceeding to its realization, it is necessary to have a working plan for moving to another city.

How to properly move to another city

Before moving things to another city to a new place, it is necessary to fulfill several important conditions:

  • Familiarize yourself with the locality where the future long-term stay is planned and understand how much it is suitable for life.
  • Check the availability of necessary infrastructure, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, recreation centers and other facilities.
  • Determine their remoteness from the proposed place of residence and ease of transportation to them.
  • Buy or rent long-term housing in a suitable neighborhood.
  • Prepare new housing for relocation.
  • Move to another community.

The provided brief algorithm of actions will provide a little help when moving to another city and will help to collect your thoughts. For a more in-depth study of the problem, we offer some useful tips.

What to do when moving to another city in the first place?

If the selection of housing - the question is solved, then to facilitate the move is important:

  • Revise furniture, things, household appliances and determine what you need for moving to another city.
  • Get rid of old and unnecessary things.
  • Prepare everything you need for the shipment and pack it if possible.
  • Find a transportation company and organize the move to another city.

Now you know how to prepare for moving to another city, but each of these stages has its own nuances.

What documents to take with you: what do I need when moving to another city?

During the change of residence, you should always take with you the following documents for each member of the family:

  • Passport or birth certificate.
  • Available licenses for the right to drive vehicles.
  • Marriage certificate or a document on its dissolution.
  • Certificate of assignment of a tax identification number.
  • Employment record book (if available).
  • Documents on education and courses taken.
  • Medical card or statement.
  • Documents on the ownership of movable and immovable property.

The presence of these papers will allow you to calmly settle in a new place without any problems.

A few tips on how to send household goods to another city

Transportation of things when moving to another city - one of the most important stages of changing the place of residence. It should be approached especially carefully and carefully, as it is necessary to ensure the safety of things during transportation. What you should pay attention to:

  • Put closet items in a systematized way for each member of the family. Pack them by style, color, purpose or other convenient way. If possible, use vacuum packing.
  • Household appliances are better transported in native boxes, in their absence use rigid boxes made of durable cardboard. For large appliances, in addition to cardboard containers, it is desirable to use wooden pallets and crates.
  • Kitchen utensils and other items can be put in bulky pots or boxes. All breakable and breakable items should be carefully wrapped in paper or bubble wrap. Items should be strictly fixed and not dangling, empty spaces should be filled with cloth or crumpled paper.
  • Fittings from disassembled furniture put in signed boxes, so that then do not look for a long time.

When folding things, stick to logic and common sense, do not put near liquids objects that can spoil in case of its leakage. To avoid possible chaos upon arrival at the new place - label and sign all boxes.

How to send a lot of things to another city?

There are several ways how you can move things to another city:

  • Byyour own transportation. Most people have only passenger cars, so you can move a little - personal belongings, small furniture and some household appliances. This option is not suitable for a serious move.
  • Hire a minibus. Choose a vehicle with enough capacity to accommodate all the things prepared for the move. Ordinary organizations engaged in cargo transportation, can provide a dump truck, or flatbed car without a tent. Such equipment is not suitable for transportation, as it does not have protection of the cargo from dust and moisture. It is better to hire a car from a specialized company. In addition to closed cargo compartments, the rented vehicle may have a low base and hydraulic elevators to facilitate loading work.
  • Container transportation by road. A convenient way to deliver a large amount of bulky furniture and home appliances. Modern trucks have an internal volume of up to 120 m3. Order a car with a payload of 5 to 20 tons and a large volume capacity can be here.

In addition to transport, specialized organizations, including Mak-Trans, provide their movers and packing materials to protect things.

How to move things cheaply to another city?

Another important question is how much it costs to move things from one city to another? There is no unambiguous answer to this question, since the price is formed for each case separately based on:

  1. the model of the car and its characteristics;
  2. load;
  3. kilometer;
  4. peculiarities of the route;
  5. the need to provide movers, materials and containers.

On the question of the cost of the service is enough to call the manager of our company or leave a request with the initial data for calculation.

It is not possible to move for free, but it is quite possible to save a significant part of the budget. To do this, you can use the following tips:

  • Leave everything unnecessary in the old place, take only the necessary.
  • Put soft bulky clothes in vacuum packs to save space.
  • Order the best-sized vehicle for your move.
  • Do not make the move in emergency mode, plan everything in advance. Urgent work is much more expensive.
  • Take advantage of trucking, that is, rent not the entire truck, but only part of it.

What else you need to know when moving to another city

The road itself and the first days after the change of housing are the most difficult. In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Separately collect for each several sets of clothes, underwear and shoes in season for home and street. Add 1-2 warm clothes just in case.
  • Buy foods that are quick to prepare and don't require special storage conditions. Sets of disposable utensils will also be needed.
  • Gather personal hygiene items in one place and keep them within reach.
  • For younger children, pack separate bags of clothes, toys, pacifiers, and bottles. For older children, pack books, notebooks and other school supplies.
  • Put together a complete first aid kit with medicines and first aid items. The medicine kit should consist of commonly used medications, as well as colds, poisoning, antipyretics and pain relievers.
  • For pets, get a carrier and take their belongings - toiletry tray, toys, food.
  • Separately pack computer and electronic equipment so they won't get damaged during transportation.
  • Put musical instruments in special cases and covers.

These simple rules of moving to another city will help quickly and painlessly adapt to the new place.

How to organize a move to another city with the company “Mac-Trans”

The key role in the change of residence plays a key role in the correct organization and choice of the method of delivery of things to the destination. Correctly calculate the available resources will help to fulfill several points:

  • Ask the carrier about the availability of vehicles, their characteristics, the cost of rent. According to the appropriate parameters together choose the best car. Our company “Mak-Trans” offers a wide range of vehicles for any needs.
  • Order transportation service by numbers +38(095) 850-41-86, +38(073) 850-41-86 or leave messages in Viber, Telegram. Negotiate in advance the conditions, dates and times of all scheduled events, agree on the route.

Loading and unloading of heavy and oversized things is better to entrust to professionals. This is necessary because of the lack of special devices for their movement, lack of skills and physical strength.

From experience we offer the best options for cargo transportation for moving across Ukraine. For transportation of things from an ordinary one-room apartment is enough cargo van or low-tonnage car with a load capacity of 1.5 tons. In this case, the internal volume may be limited to 16 m3. If it is necessary to take everything out of 2-3 room apartment, then a van for 35-36 m3 with a load capacity of 5t is suitable. For the transportation of exclusive designer interior items and furniture may need other vehicles with higher characteristics.

Having studied the proposed recommendations, you now know exactly how to move to another city with things without creating additional problems and in the shortest possible time.

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